In the Blood of the Martyrs... lies the seeds of conversion
I am an abuse survivor of the Catholic Church. I am an abuse survivor of a chronic, evidenced based serial abuser Nun, in a Catholic monastic congregation. The Catholic Church has known about this abuser Nun for decades but not retired her out of that monastic congregation and therefore her abuse pattern continued and now, potentially, hundreds of women have been affected.
I believe it was God's Will to use my little martyrdom, along with the abuse martyrdom of the VAST numbers of other ex-Nuns & Novices, also abused by the same abuser Nun, in the same Catholic monastic congregation, over potentially the last four decades.
There is also the high risk that all these abuse survivors experienced the same post congregation abuse, that can potentially be traced back to this abuser Nun and her coersive control of other abused Nuns in the congregation and other cleric's in the Catholic Church it'self.
I personally believe, from my own lived experience, that this chronic, evidence based serial abuser Nun may potentially be a diagnosable personality disorder, possibly even a congenital psychopath, whom I personally believe, from my own experience of her as my personal Mother Mistress, may have same sex attraction and that her spiritual abuse pattern may actually turn out to be a maladaptive expression of her own celibacy 'incontinence', a potential form of sex abuse.
Just as with Job, at the end of the Book of Job in the Bible, all the women who were abused by the same Catholic serial abuser Nun, in the same Catholic monastic congregation, went on to be richly blessed by God, in consolation.
God is The Good Shepherd and Our Lady's Immaculate Heart is so powerfull.
My Lay Benedictine Solitary vocation is that blessing for me. This blog began after I left that abusive monastic congregation, in 2020 and documents my vocation discernment journey to it's happy conclusion.
Wonderfully, our Catholic Church abuse safeguarding case has played it's part in the miraculous and powerfull Safeguarding Reform work of Fr Hans Zollner, and many others in the Catholic Church today, who, lead by The Holy Father, Pope Francis, are doing everything in their power to bring the Catholic Church home to Jesus and put an end the never-ending, decades long, chronic Catholic Church abuse crisis... once and for all.
Praise God! Ave Maria!
Jesus is SOOO romantic.