Our Lady of Muswell
Catholic Lay Benedictine Solitary
I am a Catholic Lay Benedictine Solitary of Our Lady of Muswell. I live in the world but not of the world, within the Enclosure of the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts. I form a Spiritual Cluny with the Communion of Saints, especially the Martyrs and an Ecumenical Spiritual Cluny with other Catholic and non-Catholic Beneditine Solitaries.
From a letter to Diognetus: The Christian in the world (vatican.va)
I follow the Rule of St Benedict, living a hidden, humble life of "Ora et Labora": centred around daily Mass, St Benedict's Monastic Divine Office, Rosary, Divine Mercy chaplet, Litany of humility, first Friday/Saturday Night Vigil / devotions and the praying of several Perpetual Novena's: Sacred Heart, Our Lady of Muswell/ Knock / Fatima/ Miraculous Medal / Lourdes, St Joseph and St Bernadette.
I am financially independent, working in a job that serve others, and will ideally always be manual labour work, as prescribed by St Benedict's Rule.
I am privately Consecrated, (Dedicated), to The Sacred and Immaculate Hearts, through private vows of Chastity, Poverty, Stability, Conversion of Life and Obedience to The Holy Father and his Magisterium.
I lovingly, gratefully and joyfully surrender my entire life's to God as an act of Reparation and Penance for all sacrilege's, offenses and indifferences committed against the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts - especially for all souls who have financially, sexually or spiritually abused others or covered up these abuses, for the conversion and salvation of all souls, especially those most in need of God's mercy and for all souls in Purgatory and Limbo, for the prayer intentions and every need of The Holy Father, Pope Francis, the Catholic Church and all souls experiencing every form of poverty, abuse, sickness & disability.
I pray especially for the return of a Catholic Benedictine Order of Nuns, to Our Lady of Muswell Parish Shrine and the re-opening of the ancient healing Holy Well.
My vocation is totally Eucharistic. Like Jesus, I vow to completely die to self, τρÏŽγω (trogo), so that God's Will may be done: